"I thought it was just a book about advertising!"
"No!" I said, "It is a book about communication."
Spring and summer are the communication seasons. April showers plus a little sun translate into spectacular bluebonnets. Young leaves dance the breezes like leprechauns. Birds, bees, spring and summer buzz.
What's the buzz? There is no buzz if there is no one to hear and help move the message. So how do you become a master message crafter? Become a great story teller. You can improve your story-telling skills with three easy steps.
- Listen to and read great stories. Attend an event like the National Storytelling Conference. Listen to your favorite uncle who always has a great story.
- Build a portfolio of your own stories. Actually write them down. Edit your writing so your messages zings into the listener's ear.
- Increase your awareness of what makes a message lodge into the subconscious mind. May is full of opportunities to level up. Here are a few ways to increase your awareness that center around one book and one location.
Roy H. Williams is a master story teller. In his second best seller,
Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads
, he probes the power of words and the connections they must forge in the mind to be memorable. Grab a copy of this book and take a summer ride with the top down. MindTamers are reading this book this month as a part of the free Build A Book Club program. You can read it with us or with your own group using these simple steps:
- Read about 80 pages per week. Don't worry, there are lots of pictures.
- Think about the answers to questions that personalize the book for you. (Keep reading for a few starter questions for Part 1 and Part 2.)
- Meet with other folks doing the same thing once a week. Call in to (512) 716-6511 and use the conference code 973640# at 7 am CDT on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 if you want to join other MindTamers reading this book this month.
Here are some of the questions we will discuss on Tuesday's call for Part 1 and Part 2 of
Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads
What question does the publisher ask the reader to answer and what is your answer?
Give an example of how the "most powerful force ever" makes a difference in your life.
Where was the American Dream born and what two forces fueled it?
How are you using the "bridge of magical fire" in your life today?
MindTamers will meet two other times by phone and one time live to discuss this book:
- May 18, 2010 at 7:00 pm CDT same conference line, same conference code to discuss Parts 3 and 4
- May 25, 2010 at 7:00 am CDT same conference line, same conference code to discuss Parts 5 and 6 (We will be calling in from Wizard Academy itself for this call!)
- June 1, 2010 at 6:30 pm at Laura's Library in Austin for the First Tuesday Book Club.
- All of these are open to the public.
- If you would like to meet the Wizard of Ads himself for free, go to the free public seminar on May 21, 2010. Don't delay, this event sells out every time it is offered.
Here's to more successful connections in every aspect of your life. If you like this idea of a master mind book club, you can learn how to build your own successful
book club or join ours as an
Buzz Buzz!
Lori L. Barr, M. D.
Vice President, MindTamers